Home Forums Lianne Kaye Remix Competition May 2023 Matías Fraga – Lianne Kaye’s “Glow” – Production (Rock)

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  • Matías FragaFragaTheHutt
    Post count: 6

    Hey everyone! Very excited to finally share my entry to the contest. Hope you like it!

    Lianne Kaye – Vocals, acoustic guitar
    Tomás Fraga – Piano
    Chris Longo – Drums
    Matías Fraga – Bass, electric guitars, production & mixing

    Best of luck to everyone in the contest!

    Sam Bybeesambybee
    Post count: 14

    Hey Matías, loved the build here and those guitars tones sound so good:). The chunks in the pre chorus sound a bit off timing wise and the snare to my ears could use some more pop but like seriously, that’s all I could hear. Well done. So many good mixes!! :)

    Post count: 9

    Sounds great!!

    Post count: 139

    Nice energy in the chorus there Fraga! really like what you did at 2:56 with the chord changes, sounds great. Perfect solo too, like how the vocal came back in with the guitars not getting in the way. Nice one dude!

    Post count: 40

    Perfectly balanced, InPhase mix :), great energy, hearable instruments and voice, some tasty earcandies, solo…overall a really good remix! Keep up the good work Matías! Cheers! Levy

    Matías FragaFragaTheHutt
    Post count: 6

    @sambybee Thanks! I chose to leave the guitars as I recorded them. Gives it a bit of a more ”real” vibe instead of having everything edited to perfection.

    @GonzoDriver @Levy Thanks! Glad you liked it!

    I only wish I uploaded it to YouTube though. Soundcloud really messes with the audio quality!

    Patrick ClassPatrick Class
    Post count: 197

    I especially loved those guitar changes in the chorus. That is some nice approach I must say. And I agree with what Fraga said to sambybee….It’s nice to hear some raw guitars of which you really here the guitar its sound. Wow…..great solo!!!! Love it!!!! (going back again into the track for that :-) )
    (my link: thanks – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWdOjRSmlo0)

    Matías FragaFragaTheHutt
    Post count: 6

    Thank you Patrick!

    Jens Bsdokrentaroot
    Post count: 779

    Very tastefully arranged, gives a great band-feeling (that’s what is is). Cool solo, everything’s “in-place”!

    Good luck to you. 🎼 🥁 🎸 🍻

    Matías FragaFragaTheHutt
    Post count: 6

    Thank you @rentaroot!

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