Home Forums ‘Dead To The World’ by Malamor Mix & Remix Contest Malamor – Dead To The World 2022 Contest mixed by Martin Audio

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  • Martin AudioMartin Audio
    Post count: 34
    ManaMix AudioManaMix Audio
    Post count: 4

    cool intro idea! pretty solid balance overall too, wild vocal processing as well very wide, just wish there was a bit more reverb/decay so they aren’t too dry over the instruments, dope mix!

    Martin AudioMartin Audio
    Post count: 34

    Thank you so much ManaMix Audio for the nice comment. I highly appreciate it! The reason why I didn’t add long reverb to the vocals is that I wanted them to stand out and the words be as clearly audible as possible as the vox is the main thing in a song. The words are rapidly pronounced and if I would add more decay, it would blur this up, I guess. I was trying a lot of things. I noticed if I spread the vox out more it won’t get that lost so the listeners can follow the lyrics more. But I will consider your suggestion and after this contest, I might just remix it trying it. We can contact each other for discussions :) Thanks ever o much again! Let me check out your mix :) Good Luck mate! :-)

    Post count: 2

    i really like that bass tone

    Martin AudioMartin Audio
    Post count: 34

    Thanks ever so much! :) Good Luck with your mix my friend! ;-)

    Ajay PrakashAjay Prakash
    Post count: 84

    Nice mix Martin! I like all the details you’ve added and the intro is great, I also really like the bass guitar. The vocals are maybe a bit on the loud side for me (especially in mono) but everything is well EQ’d. Good luck brother!

    Martin AudioMartin Audio
    Post count: 34

    Hi Prakash! From India right? :) Thank you for the feedback. :) I wanted to bring the focus on the vox… it’s mono but it’s spread out a few percent so is not right in the centre… as these are screaming and if I lower them people won’t be able to understand the lyrics and in music, the most important is the vocals always for me. I made 3 different mixes for this song over the past month where I didn’t exaggerate the vox too much and I focused on the heavy music but it is easy to make that mistake where the vox will be lost so I decided to submit this version. This version of my production is actually not the one I love the most. After the contest, I will upload the one I really am when it comes to mixing and production. I crafted a mix that is much richer in FX and impact – as this song inspired me a lot – but I was hesitant to submit that version for the contest because I thought that would not be appreciated by the judges that much so I controlled myself and I submitted this what you heard. Anyway, I feel I reached the max and I can’t do anything else on this mix… I like what I did even if I don’t win I like it. I appreciate your feedback and I took it into account. Thanks a lot! Good luck to you too!!! ;-)

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