Home Forums Lianne Kaye Remix Competition May 2023 ED THORNE Full Band Production – Lianne Kaye Glow (Lady A meets Tim McGraw)

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  • EdThorneEdThorne
    Post count: 40

    Hi Folks,

    I enlisted the talents of London’s finest session musicians to record and produce an epic country version of this wonderful song! I hope you like it!


    PRODUCER – Ed Thorne
    MIX ENGINEER – Ed Thorne
    MASTERING – Marcell at ActDoMake Mastering
    BASS – Luke Stenner
    ELECTRIC GUITARS – David D’Andrade
    ORGANS – Edu Bisogno

    All links to the musicians above are in the description of the YouTube video!

    Thanks for listening, be kind to one another, it’s been emotional.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by EdThorneEdThorne. Reason: Missed information
    Post count: 6

    wow, really great. good Arrangement and Sound. Like it!

    Post count: 40

    Thank you! :-)

    Fernando OrtegaFernando Ortega
    Post count: 14

    Flawless… I like everything about this track. The bass sounds especially great, so deep and powerful.

    Post count: 7

    The playing, production, and mix are notably solid, creating an engaging musical journey. Had some occasional “Pink Floyd” vibes that offered a delightful, nostalgic touch. Great work!

    Post count: 40

    YouTube has absolutely DESTROYED the audio quality of this! FML! Hear the Hi-Resolution version on my website: https://edthorne.com/mixing


    Post count: 40

    Amazing feedback, thank you!

    Post count: 40

    Awesome! Thank you. That’s a Sandberg or Fender Jazz (I can’t remember) through a Neve 1073lb!

    Post count: 7

    Did you „just“ upload it with 360p? Cause that’s what YouTube offers me as highest option with your video. Guess that’s why it butchers the audio. However, listing away from home
    , on my phone buds it’s not a big problem.

    Ps: The squarespace player don’t want to play the file on my mobile safari browser

    Post count: 7

    Dont know why the edit function didn’t work:
    „Ps: The squarespace player don’t want to play the file on my mobile safari browser“
    Edit: forget about that, it was a buffering problem cause my mobile connection sucked. After listening to the track on your website even with phone speakers YouTube really killed the low end. And the highs sound like a low res mp3 on YouTube in comparison. I wonder if reuploading it with higher resolution would optimize it on YouTube.

    Chris SloatSloat
    Post count: 26

    Great work Ed! Could you listen to mine and tell me what you think?

    Artur EwertowskiArtur E
    Post count: 70

    Wow, even Ed Thorne and team here, so now with my version i feel like 6 persons in one, haha. I like it, check mine then! ;)

    Post count: 92

    Hi Ed,
    I’m surprised you found the time with your busy schedule to squeeze this in. Nice work! 👏👏🙂👍
    I particularly like the organs, the lead guitar in the midsection is very nice too and I really like the push on the drop back into the last chorus.
    If you get the chance to have a listen to my production I’d very much appreciate it.
    All the best!

    P.S. The drums! (from a fellow drummer) You played just the right amount to not get in the way of anything – something that comes from a lot of experience 👍

    Post count: 19

    contender for the win straight up. amazing production, awesome arrangement, stellar mix. well done! i wish i had those skills! all i can come up is some badly recorded punk rock guitars and a sub par mix. so jealous haha!

    Post count: 8

    Great to hear another country version , great job!

    We went the same route, love a bit a of country flavour

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