Home Forums ‘Dead To The World’ by Malamor Mix & Remix Contest Kepler Engelbrecht – Dead to the World mix Reply To: Kepler Engelbrecht – Dead to the World mix

Post count: 12


Thank you! I love that snare and how it seems to keep the entire rhythm section together.


Thanks man :)

No gate on the snare, not even a loose one. Ironically though, I did gate the triggered kik, but that was to shape the attack of the kikdrum with the gate attack time. I have a compressor on the snare but I think it has maybe 2dB or so of gain reduction. More to keep it under control volume-wise than to mess around with the attack.

I find it strange to have found some entrants complain about the tom sound. I like those toms, they’re well-tuned and well-recorded. They didn’t even really need to be compressed. I just kept the bleed, and boosted around 800Hz since that seemed to be where the tonic of the toms lived. I automated them in one or two places to have the fill be more audible, but that’s it.

As for the vocals, I’m happy with their space in the mix. Perhaps they could be brought up a dB or so, but I feel that the vocals are closer to another rhythmic element in this type of mix, and less a melodic instrument that should be placed front and center.

Thank you for listening, both of you!